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Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello World!

The first day of camp at the Coleman Center for the Arts has come to a close, and it was a huge success! Campers arrived ready to go this morning, and started off making outstanding name tags and getting to know their groups, henceforth to be known as the Rock Stars and the Paris Heats. After a big welcome from Shana, we all took a big breath and dove right in. 

 The Rock Stars!

 The Paris Heats!

Both groups spent time with John Brown learning classic American folk songs, like O Susannah! and She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain. The Paris Heats also learned a dance called "Ballin' the Jack" that goes like this:
First you put your two knees close up tight,
Then you sway 'em to the left, then you sway 'em to the right,
Step around the floor kind of nice and light,
Then you twis' around and twis' around with all your might,
Stretch your lovin' arms straight out in space
Then do the Eagle Rock with style and grace
Swing your foot way 'round then bring it back,
Now that's what I call "Ballin' the Jack."
The Paris Heats stretching their lovin' arms straight out in space.
The camp was also introduced to classical Indian music with visiting artist Samita Sinha. While listening carefully to different ragas, campers translated the music into drawings that reflected the tones, feelings, and images they heard in the music. The result was beautifully creative synaesthetic expression!
Samita admiring drawings inspired by her music.
A highlight of the day was the lunch prepared by the lovely Catherine, assisted by the Rock Stars. Chicken, salad, bread, pie, yum!
Catherine and James taking on chicken for 20.
Campers also made personalized journals with Nathan by collaging magazine cutouts, began to create their own alter egos with Shana, and learned lots of new games with Jocelyn and Frances. With a day full of activities and smiles behind us, everyone is excited for tomorrow!

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